Find the best alternatives inspired by contributors' ideas and the resources
available to the organization. Invest in the best of each person according to their role,
ideas and upcoming projects.
Get accurate management information quickly. Define the support and expertise needed
for clarifying and implementing situationally-appropriate solutions.
Get your resources involved
Wish you could get your employees more involved?
Provide access to the app to help each team structure the actions items they need to complete.
Quickly consult with the employees involved and identify the best actions to take in order to
achieve the goals together. You will have access to their progress and the ability to make
live comments.
Have a quick, simple, and efficient view of the evolution of your clients' studies.
Be a proactive first responder to all questions related to the implemented solution.
As a contributor, you want all thoughts put on the table to be transformed into concrete
solutions that bring real benefits.
Use the Plan Monark platform and get an overview of the actions your clients are taking.
Communicate and share solutions with all the collaborators involved
Because every project has tools that require adjustments, each user will be able to
consult them and add their comments and recommendations.
You will also have access to the execution plans and comments of other consultants
designated by your clients. All the designated people will be able to follow the
projects in progress. So you'll have one place to list communications related to
the progress of each project.
Celebrate the fact that you have surpassed your goals thanks to your continuous
interventions through the Plan Monark platform
The implementation of the Plan Monark technology platform is an innovative solution
that saves your clients time and money.
Celebrate the fact that you have surpassed your goals with your recommendations inspired
by Plan Monark's continuous analysis reports.
Evaluate your
management activities as a contributor!